Sub & Save

How to Sub & Save 


Why you should Sub & Save

Embark on a personalized beauty journey with AF Cosmetics, Oklahoma's premier lash brand, and experience the added convenience of your very own customer portal. When you subscribe, you gain exclusive access to a dedicated customer portal, putting the control right at your fingertips. Manage your subscription effortlessly, track your orders, explore our latest lash collections, and, most importantly, customize your lash styles to suit your evolving tastes. With AF Cosmetics, you're not just subscribing to unbeatable variety but also to flexibility. Feel free to change your lash styles as often as you'd like, experimenting with different looks to complement every mood and occasion. Additionally, our subscription model allows you the freedom to cancel or pause your subscription at any time. Life gets busy, and AF Cosmetics understands the need for flexibility. Subscribe today to enjoy the luxury of choice, convenience, and 50% off premium lashes, all tailored to your unique beauty preferences.